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Conditions of Carriage - Gulflander

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Welcome to the Gulflander Conditions of Carriage

Queensland Rail is dedicated to increasing rail patronage through improved reliability, frequency of services and making rail travel the transport mode of choice in Queensland. We aim to be Australia’s best performing railway delivering safe, on time, customer-focused and efficient rail service.

General Terms

Everyone has terms. These are ours.
1. These Conditions of Carriage (Conditions):
  • apply to Tickets from the time you receive them.
  • include any:
    • notices on the Ticket;
    • the fare; and
    • timetable information on Our website.
  • are subject to the:
    • Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994;
    • Transport Infrastructure Act 1994; and
    • their associated regulations.

2. We are not a common carrier and may refuse to carry You and any Luggage at our discretion.

Before Your Journey - Booking your Ticket

Pay for your ticket in advance if you can, we’re here to help you with all your booking plans.
3. You must buy a valid Ticket:
  • before you board the Train (or at the first opportunity to buy one); and
  • for Your entire journey.

4. We may refuse to carry You if you received your Ticket in violation of any applicable law or our policies and procedures.

5. Your Ticket entitles You to Carriage only, unless We tell You otherwise.

6. You cannot transfer a Ticket unless we agree to the transfer

7. We reserve the right to require satisfactory proof of Your:
      a. identity; and
      b. entitlement to Concessional Tickets if applicable. (ask your booking consultant for information on these)

8. Children 14 years and under must be accompanied by an adult person (16 years and over).
Children have to be 15 years or older to travel by themselves.
9. If You are travelling with guide, hearing or assistance animals then You agree to comply with Our Assistance Animals policy (opens in new tab).

Cancellations and Changes to Services

We will do our best to get you to your
destination but sometimes things go wrong.
10. If We have a good reason (for example health and safety, track closures, security, weather or breakdowns), We may substitute, cancel, delay or change the Services, stations, places or destinations without telling You. If You don’t get to travel, You can either rebook to another day or obtain a full refund. If You booked through a third party, You should contact that agent to either rebook or cancel and receive a refund.

Boarding the Train

Please be ready on time.
11. You must be ready to board the Train:
  • before the departure time; and
  • having loaded all Carry-on Luggage onto the Train and having completed all procedures for Checked Luggage.

12. We are not obliged to delay the departure of a Train if You are late.

13. The Service is not accessible to You if You need to use a wheelchair or mobility scooter. Further information on our Accessibility page
The Gulflander is not accessible for many types of Customers.

Fit for Travel

14. We have reasonable discretion to:
  • refuse access, Carriage or onward Carriage to You; or
  • cancel Your reservation, if We believe that such action is necessary for the protection of Us, You or other Customers. We do not have to give you prior notice of our decision.

15. The onboard Supervisor of the Train will have the authority to make a determination or settle any dispute between You and Us during the Carriage.
If You are acting in a disruptive way, We can refuse service or ban you from future services.

16. You agree to comply with our Fit for Travel policy (opens in new tab) during the Carriage and while otherwise using our Services.

17. If You engage in high risk or repetitively disruptive behavior We reserve the right to:
  • impose travel bans prohibiting You from accessing Our Carriages, Services and railway stations; or
  • place conditions on Your future travel (like requiring you to travel with a carer).

18. You acknowledge that:
  • the consumption of alcohol on Our property, including the Train, is prohibited unless:
  • any form of smoking by any means (including electronic cigarettes) is prohibited on Trains, station platforms and any areas directed by Us.
  • the minimum dress requirement for customers:
    • is clean and tidy casual clothing;
    • requires footwear to be worn when moving throughout the Train; and
    • means You must maintain an acceptable standard of cleanliness and personal hygiene throughout the trip.
No BYO alcohol
No smoking
Clean & tidy clothing
Wear shoes


19. The Service has very limited storage space for Checked Luggage and for Carry On Luggage. Details in relation to Luggage,including the items we will accept onboard, are set out in our Luggage policy.
To avoid problems on the day, don’t forget to check what Luggage We allow on our Trains.

20. You acknowledge that We may, in our reasonable discretion:
  • conduct a reasonable search of your Luggage;
  • measure the weight and size, of Your Luggage;
  • refuse to carry any Luggage which We deem unacceptable, due to the nature, weight or size of the Luggage.

21. Any liability for loss or damage that We have for Checked Luggage is limited to $200.

After Your Journey

22. Once the Train has safely stopped at its destination You must:
  • leave the Train;
  • remove all Luggage from the Train; and
  • collect your Checked Luggage.

23. All bookings made for other operators’ services or carriage are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by those operators. Refer to the relevant operator for their full terms and conditions.

24. We cannot guarantee connections with other transport companies, and We are not responsible for any costs or expenses associated with missed connections. You agree to the terms of Our Connection policy (opens in new tab).
including the items we will accept onboard, are set out in our Luggage policy.
We are not responsible for any connections or bookings made with other services.

Privacy and Assorted Terms

25. We may collect and use Your personal information in accordance with Our Privacy Statement (opens in new tab).
We collect your personal information.

26. These Conditions may not be modified or waived by any entity other than Queensland Rail prior to the commencement ofCarriage. No agent, employee or representative of Ours has the authority to alter, modify or waive any of these Conditions.

27. If any Condition in this document is void, illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the Condition is to be read down or severed to preserve the rest of these Conditions.
If there is a defective part of this contract it doesn’t effect the rest of the contract.

28. Regardless of where the Ticket is issued, the Carriage or other Services to be supplied in accordance with the Conditions are governed by the law of the State of Queensland.


29. The following definitions apply in these Conditions:

Agent means an entity who issues a Ticket on behalf of Us

Carriage means transportation on a Train by rail or by any method of transport substituted by Us.

Carry-on Luggage means any permitted Luggage You carry into the Train and store it yourself.

Checked Luggage means permitted Luggage You check in with Us and we store it on the Train.

Luggage means Your personal property permitted on the Train as part of the Carriage.

Services means those services made available by Us in addition to Carriage.

Ticket means the ticket issued to You by Us or Our agent (an entity who issues a Ticket on behalf of Us) for the Carriage and Services.

Train means the rollingstock or vehicles in which Carriage is undertaken and includes any other method of transport substituted by Us where required.

Us, Our and We means Queensland Rail (and its subsidiary Queensland Rail Limited and associated entities), undertaking Carriage of You (and Your Luggage) or providing Services under these Conditions.

You and Your are a reference to the person transported by Us as a customer.